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Ultimate Guide To Select A Powerful Estimate Software For Contractors 2023

How to select a Estimate software for contractors

Photo by Diego Pontes


For contractors, coming up with accurate estimates can be a challenge. It’s important to get it right in order to make sure that a job is profitable and customers are satisfied. Fortunately, there’s estimate software designed specifically for contractors that can help ensure that estimates are accurate and efficient. In this article, we’ll explore estimate software for contractors, how it works, and the benefits it provides.

Estimate software for contractors can help save time and money by streamlining the estimating process. This specialized type of software helps to automate calculations related to materials and labour costs and also allows you to keep track of expenses associated with each project. With detailed reports generated from the program, you can have confidence knowing that your estimates are as accurate as possible.

The best part about estimate software for contractors is that it’s easy to use and doesn’t require any prior knowledge or experience in accounting or construction management. With an intuitive interface and step-by-step instructions, even those who don’t consider themselves tech-savvy will be able to quickly learn how to use the system. In the next section, we’ll take a closer look at how this type of software works and what makes it so beneficial for contractors.


Estimate software for contractors is a digital tool that helps builders, remodelers and other contractors to accurately calculate the cost of a project before they start. It enables them to make an informed decision on factors such as material costs, labour rates and other expenses associated with the job. The software can also track changes in the estimated costs over time.

Using estimate software for contractors allows users to compare different projects side-by-side, so they can get an idea of which one will be most cost-effective. Estimate software also helps streamline workflow processes, ensuring that all necessary information is tracked and recorded properly. This makes it easier for contractors to stay organized and keep their projects on track.

Estimate software for contractors is becoming increasingly popular among businesses of all sizes due to its convenience and accuracy. It eliminates the need for manual calculation and provides contractors with a powerful tool that can help them save time and money. With this type of software, contractors can create accurate estimates quickly and easily, allowing them to move forward with their projects faster than ever before.

Benefits Of Estimate Software For Contractors

Now that the definition of estimate software for contractors has been established, it is important to take a look at the benefits of such software. Estimate software can help contractors save time and money when preparing estimates. Contractors who use this type of software find that they are able to generate accurate, comprehensive estimates quickly and easily. This means they can devote more time to other tasks involved in their job, such as marketing and customer service.

Estimate software also helps contractors stay organized by keeping all relevant information and documents in one place. All data related to an estimate is kept securely in the software so that it can be accessed whenever necessary. This makes it easy to track project costs, material costs, labour costs, taxes, overhead expenses and more. Estimates can also be updated quickly as changes occur during a project’s timeline.

Using estimate software for contractors also provides a professional look for estimates because of its ability to generate beautiful visuals such as charts and graphs that display project details in a clear and concise manner. These visual tools make it easier for clients to understand the scope of the project and evaluate pricing options before making decisions about their projects.

Estimate software for contractors offers many advantages that help them save time and money while creating accurate estimates for their clients. The organization features provided by this type of software are invaluable when tracking different aspects of a job throughout its life cycle, while its visual capabilities allow contractors to present detailed information in an attractive format.

Types Of Estimate Software For Contractors

Estimate software for contractors comes in many forms, allowing users to customize their experience depending on the needs of their business. Estimate software can range from basic tools designed to help with basic calculations and simple measurements, to more comprehensive programs that allow for detailed reporting and tracking of costs.

The most basic type of estimate software for contractors is a spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Spreadsheet programs are ideal for those who just need a way to quickly calculate material costs and labour hours. These programs may also be beneficial when it comes to creating estimates in bulk; they can easily be used to create multiple estimates at once.

For more complex estimating jobs, some contractors may opt for dedicated estimating software. This type of estimate software is typically more expensive than spreadsheets but provides far more features and capabilities. Dedicated estimating software often includes modules for managing multiple projects, tracking costs over time, generating reports, and other similar tasks. It may also offer additional features such as project management tools, customer relationship management (CRM) functions, and even integration with third-party applications like accounting systems.

No matter what type of estimate software you use, it should provide the tools necessary to accurately track costs and make sure your business operates efficiently. Estimate software is an invaluable tool for any contractor working on large projects; it makes managing finances easier so you can focus on delivering quality work on time and on budget.

Choosing The Right Estimate Software

When it comes to selecting the right estimate software for contractors, there are many factors to consider. Cost, features and ease of use should all be taken into account when making the decision. Additionally, the customer support and training options that come with the software should also be considered.

The cost of a software solution is important to consider in order to get the most value out of it. If an overly expensive solution is chosen, it could quickly become a financial burden. On the other hand, if a cheaper solution is chosen, it may not have enough features or support needed by contractors. Therefore, price should be weighed against features and customer support when selecting an estimating software for contractors.

It’s also important to ensure that the software is easy to use and understand. If it’s too difficult or counterintuitive to learn how to use it, then contractors may end up wasting time trying to figure out its functions instead of using them effectively. Additionally, they should make sure that they have access to training resources when needed so they can get up and running as soon as possible.

Finally, customer service and technical support should always be taken into account when choosing an estimate software for contractors. Good customer service will help ensure that any issues are addressed in a timely manner while technical support can provide answers on complex topics or explain functionality if needed. Both these aspects are important when selecting an estimate software so they should not be overlooked during the selection process.

Setting Up And Customizing Estimate Software

Estimate software for contractors is a great tool to streamline the estimating process and make it easier to track customer information. Setting up and customizing the software is an important step in getting the most out of it. There are several steps that need to be taken in order to customize it for specific needs.

First, the user will need to create their profile or company profile. This includes entering information such as contact details, job names, job descriptions, estimated costs and other associated data. Once this is done, the user can start creating estimates. They will be able to enter the details of each project into the system in order to create estimates quickly and accurately. It’s possible to customize these estimates by including additional fields or parameters such as materials needed or labour costs.

The user can also customize their estimate software by setting up different categories or groups within the system. These categories allow users to better organize their estimates and make them easier to access when needed. For example, they could set up a category for residential projects and another for commercial ones. This makes it easier for both customers and contractors alike when searching through past estimates or jobs completed.

The estimating software can also be customized with different reports that help track customer information and project progress over time. This includes generating invoices, tracking payments received, calculating the total costs of projects and more. With these reports at hand, users can get a better understanding of how their business is performing and where improvements should be made if necessary. Estimate software for contractors provides helpful insights into businesses’ operations which saves time and money in the long run.

Automating Estimating Tasks

Automating estimating tasks is an important part of managing a contracting business. It allows contractors to quickly and accurately generate estimates, saving time and money. Automated estimations also provide more accurate results than manual calculations, reducing errors and inaccuracies.

Estimating software can be a great asset for contractors who want to streamline their estimating process. Estimation software automates the entire estimation process, including the calculation of labour costs, materials costs, overhead expenses, taxes, and more. This saves time and reduces errors since there is no need to manually input data or calculate equations manually. The software can also be used to track customer orders and billing information, allowing contractors to better organize their finances.

By automating estimating tasks with a reliable software solution, contractors are able to focus on other aspects of their business such as marketing and sales. They are also able to reduce risk by having more accurate estimates in place before starting a project. Additionally, automated estimations can help increase customer satisfaction by providing customers with accurate cost projections on projects. Automated estimations can also help contractors save money by eliminating costly mistakes that would otherwise be made due to inaccurate manual calculations.

Estimating software offers numerous benefits for contractors looking to save time and money while improving the accuracy of their estimates. Contractors should research different solutions available on the market in order to find the best one for their needs before making a purchase decision.

Generating Accurate Estimates With Estimate Software

Estimate software for contractors can be a great asset when it comes to creating accurate estimates. It helps contractors save time and resources, as well as reduce the risk of human error. Estimate software provides a simple and straightforward way to create estimates that are reliable and accurate.

Estimate software allows contractors to quickly generate detailed estimates for projects. This includes all pertinent details like labour costs, materials, overhead expenses, and more. The software also allows contractors to store past estimates for easy reference in future projects. This can help them save time by not having to re-enter data from project to project.

Estimate software can also help contractors stay organized and efficient when creating estimates for their customers. By creating detailed estimates with accuracy, it ensures that customers get exactly what they’re expecting in terms of timeframes and costs associated with the work being done. This reduces the potential of misunderstandings or disputes between contractor and customer later on down the line.

The use of estimate software is an invaluable tool for any contractor looking to increase their efficiency while providing accurate cost estimates to their customers.

Integrating Estimate Software With Other Programs

Integrating estimate software with other programs can enhance the accuracy and efficiency of the estimating process for contractors. By integrating such software with accounting, payroll, and project management applications, contractors can save time by linking data from different sources to quickly generate accurate estimates.

Photo by ThisIsEngineering

For example, when a contractor links their estimate software to an accounting application, information like the cost of materials, labour costs, and overhead expenses can be automatically pulled into the estimates. This eliminates the need to enter this data manually each time an estimate is created. Likewise, if a contractor employs subcontractors or self-employed workers that are paid on a project basis, they can easily link their payroll program to the estimating software to calculate correct labour costs per project.

Finally, integrating estimate software with project management applications allows contractors to accurately track progress throughout all phases of a project. This integration aids in creating more accurate estimates while also providing visibility into how much time has been spent on each portion of a project and how much remains in order to complete it. As a result, contractors can gain better control over resources and materials needed for completion and make decisions about any changes that may be necessary along the way more efficiently.

Security Considerations With Estimate Software

When contractors are considering estimate software, they must consider the security concerns involved. Security is an essential factor when it comes to any type of online data management and sharing, as sensitive customer information must be protected. Estimate software should use the best available encryption and authentication protocols to ensure security.

At a minimum, all estimate software should include two-factor authentication, which requires users to verify their identity in two different ways—such as providing a username and password, plus a separate code sent via email or text message. This helps prevent unauthorized access to data stored in the system. Additionally, any data stored in the software should be encrypted at rest using industry-standard encryption protocols such as AES 256-bit encryption.

It’s also important that security measures are regularly monitored and updated by the provider of the estimate software. This will help ensure that all customer information is kept secure over time, even if new security vulnerabilities arise. Companies should make sure that their estimate software uses regular scans of their systems for potential threats and can quickly mitigate any risks found before they become an issue.

To summarize, it’s vital to consider security when selecting an estimate software provider. Companies should make sure that their provider offers strong encryption protocols and regularly monitors its systems for potential vulnerabilities. By taking these precautions, contractors can protect their client’s sensitive information while enabling them to efficiently manage estimates online.

Troubleshooting Common Issues With Estimate Software

Troubleshooting common issues with estimate software can be a tricky process, but it doesn’t have to be. There are a few simple steps that contractors can take to make sure they’re getting the most out of their software and avoiding any potential problems. First and foremost, contractors should read the user manual thoroughly before using the software. This will ensure they understand all of its features and how to use them correctly. Additionally, regularly checking for updates will help keep the software functioning correctly and help avoid any compatibility issues.

Contractors should also pay close attention to any error messages or warnings that appear when using the software. These could indicate a problem with the program or configuration settings that need to be changed. If this is the case, it’s important to determine what exactly is causing the issue so it can be fixed as soon as possible. Contractors may also want to consult customer support if they continue experiencing difficulties after trying these steps.

Finally, it’s important for contractors to remember that troubleshooting estimate software isn’t an exact science; some issues may take longer than others to resolve depending on their complexity. However, by following these tips and taking their time, contractors should be able to get their estimate software up and running without too much hassle.

Popular 10 Estimate Software For Contractors In the Industry

Construction estimating software is not limited to small contractors. In fact, it can be used by contractors of all sizes, from small mom-and-pop businesses to large commercial construction companies. The software is designed to provide accurate estimates and bids, streamline workflow, and improve project management, making it a valuable tool for contractors of all sizes.

Popular Estimate software for contractors

Following construction estimating software can be used for small contractors to big contractors.  Whether you’re working on small residential projects or large commercial construction projects, construction estimating software can help you manage your projects more efficiently and increase your profitability.

  1. ProEst: ProEst is a cloud-based estimating software designed for commercial construction contractors. It provides users with tools for project management, estimating, and bid management.
  2. PlanSwift: PlanSwift is a digital takeoff and estimate software for contractors in the construction industry. It allows users to create accurate estimates, proposals, and reports in a fraction of the time it would take manually.
  3. STACK: STACK is a cloud-based software platform for construction contractors, offering takeoff, estimating, and bid management tools. It integrates with accounting and project management software.
  4. Sage 100 Contractor: Sage 100 Contractor is a construction estimating software that offers an extensive range of features, including accounting, project management, and job costing.
  5. Clear Estimates: Clear Estimates is a cloud-based estimate software for contractors in the residential construction industry. It allows users to create detailed estimates with customizable templates.
  6. Bid4Build: Bid4Build is a comprehensive estimate software for contractors in the construction industry. It provides users with a range of features, including takeoff, estimating, project management, and job costing.
  7. FastTrack Schedule: FastTrack Schedule is a project management software for the construction industry that includes estimating tools. It allows users to create project schedules, timelines, and estimates in a single platform.
  8. On-Screen Takeoff: On-Screen Takeoff is a digital takeoff software that allows contractors to takeoff quantities from electronic blueprints and drawings. It integrates with estimating software for more efficient workflows.
  9. QuickBid: QuickBid is an estimate software for contractors in the construction industry. It provides users with a range of features, including takeoff, estimating, and bid management.
  10. Trimble Accubid: Trimble Accubid is an estimate software for contractors in the electrical and mechanical construction industry. It includes tools for takeoff, estimating, and project management.

Read More: BIM Software For Contractors in the Construction industry

Most Important Features of Construction Estimate Software For Contractors

Construction estimate software is a valuable tool for construction companies to create accurate estimates and bids for projects. However, not all software is created equal, and it can be difficult to find a platform with all the necessary features. To help you choose the best software for your needs, we have identified five must-have features that every construction estimation software should have.

  1. Takeoff: Takeoff is a crucial feature of construction estimation software that involves creating a list of materials and labour needed for a construction project. The best software should be able to use project blueprints to find material, quantity, and part requirements, and should also have collaborative features for sharing notes and a “request for information” function for questions that arise. Additionally, the software should be able to store assemblies for future reference.
  2. Estimating: Estimating is the process of approximating the costs associated with the project. The software should include templates for cost estimates, a pricing database for up-to-date supplier costs, integration with takeoff software, item details for storing costs and quantities, pricing updates, and formulas for area or volume calculations. These features are essential for creating accurate estimates that reflect the actual costs of the project.
  3. Bidding / Tendering: Once the estimate is complete, the bid is the next step. The software should have a proposal generator, a subcontractor portal to share bid information, a comparison feature to view multiple bids side by side, a scheduling calendar, a management system for multiple bids, and a way to analyze change request costs. These features are necessary for creating professional and competitive bids that can win you more business.
  4. Integration: The software you choose should integrate smoothly with other software or tools you may need, such as takeoff or construction management programs. Additionally, look for compatibility with programs like Microsoft Excel, or use low code to quickly build integrations between these systems and move away from Excel. This will help you streamline your workflow and save time on manual data entry.
  5. Accessibility: Finally, the software should be accessible and easy to use. Construction estimation software can be cloud- or desktop-based. Cloud-based programs allow for remote access to your data across multiple devices and are great for teams with multiple members. Desktop programs may be best if you have a tech-savvy team or a strictly on-premise system. Choose the option that best fits your business goals and needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does Estimate Software Cost?

When it comes to estimating software, the cost is often one of the first things people ask about. The answer isn’t always cut-and-dried, however. Estimate software for contractors can range from free open-source programs to expensive customized packages depending on what you need.

To get a better idea of how much estimate software may cost for you, it’s important to consider the features you need and the specific needs of your business. If your business requires more complex functions than the free or low-cost packages can provide, then you may have to invest in a higher-end program with more features and customization options. You also have to factor in additional costs like setup fees and maintenance costs that come with using a more sophisticated program.

An experienced IT professional can help you determine which estimate software package will best meet your needs while staying within your budget. They’ll be able to advise on exactly what features will be necessary for your business, as well as any potential hidden costs associated with the implementation or maintenance of the system. With their help, you can find the right package at an affordable price that works best for you.

Is Estimate Software For Contractors User-Friendly?

The current question, “Is estimate software user-friendly?” is an important one. When it comes to technology, the user experience and ease of use are key components to keeping people engaged and creating a successful product. Estimate software needs to be something that can be used quickly and easily by contractors in order to ensure accuracy and efficiency in their workflow.

When considering any type of software, it is essential to look at how user-friendly it is. Estimate software should have a straightforward interface that allows users to quickly access the functions they need without extensive tutorials or training. The ability for users to master the basics of the program without having to spend too much time on complicated instructions will make this kind of software more attractive for contractors who are looking for something easy to use. Additionally, if there are any customer support options available with the estimating software, that could also be beneficial for users who need help navigating or understanding certain aspects of the program.

In order to determine whether estimate software is user-friendly or not, it can be helpful to seek out reviews from other contractors who have used the same product. Gathering feedback from real users can give you an idea of what kind of experience they had with the program and whether they would recommend it as a viable option for anyone else looking into estimating solutions. Through this research process, you will be able to make an informed decision about which estimate software might be best suited for your needs as a contractor.

Is There A Free Trial Period For Estimate Software?

When considering estimate software for contractors, one of the key questions to ask is if there is a free trial period. While many companies offer free trials for their products, it is important to understand what features may be included in the trial and whether the user can access customer support during this period.

The good news is that most estimate software providers offer a free trial period with full access to the software’s features. This allows users to get acquainted with the product and explore its functions without having to make any payment upfront. It also gives them an opportunity to make sure that the software meets their needs before committing financially.

Many companies also provide customer support during the trial period so users can get help if they encounter any issues while using the product. This invaluable assistance can help prevent costly mistakes or delays while using the software, allowing users to maximize its potential benefits from day one.

Given these advantages, a free trial period for estimate software can be an excellent way for contractors to evaluate a product before purchasing it outright. Not only does it give them a chance to familiarize themselves with the software’s features and capabilities, but it also provides access to customer support should they need help getting started or run into any issues along the way.

Are There Any Hidden Fees Associated With Estimate Software?

When considering estimate software for contractors, it’s important to look into any hidden fees that could be associated with it. Whether you’re a contractor looking for a one-time purchase or a subscription-based service, you need to make sure that there are no additional costs that might disrupt your budget.

First of all, some providers may charge extra for certain features or integrations that are necessary for your business. For example, if you need to integrate the software with an accounting system or other third-party product, that could require an additional fee. It’s best to check upfront what is included in the base pricing and what requires an extra cost so that you can evaluate whether it fits within your budget.

Another thing to consider is if there are any annual maintenance fees associated with the software. Some providers charge users a small fee each year in order to keep their products up-to-date with bug fixes and security updates. This can add up over time and should be taken into account when making a purchasing decision.

It’s always wise to shop around and compare different offerings before committing to any particular estimate software solution – especially when there could be hidden fees involved. Make sure you understand what is included in the initial cost as well as any potential ongoing costs before finalizing your decision.

Is There A Support Team Available For Estimate Software?

Having an experienced and knowledgeable support team available to assist you in using estimate software is a crucial factor to consider when choosing the right software. The presence of a support team can help answer any questions or concerns that may arise while using the software, as well as offer assistance in troubleshooting any potential issues. A reliable support team should be able to provide quick and efficient answers, ensuring that users have access to the resources they need when they need them.

The availability of a support team will vary depending on the type of estimate software you choose. It’s important to assess your particular needs when considering which product is best for you. Some software packages may include free customer service and technical support, while others might require a subscription fee or other additional charges. Researching the features and benefits of each product thoroughly before making a purchase is essential in order to ensure that your expectations are met.

It’s also worth looking into user reviews to get an idea of how satisfied customers have been with the customer service provided by their estimate software provider. Reading feedback from people who have used the same product can give you an indication of what kind of experience you might expect if you choose the same solution. This will help you make an informed decision about whether or not it’s worth investing in estimate software with a strong support team behind it.

Knowing what type of customer service is offered by your chosen provider and determining how satisfied existing users are with their experience can go a long way towards helping you make the best choice for your business needs.


In conclusion, estimate software can be an invaluable tool for contractors. It helps them to accurately calculate project costs and keep track of their financials. The cost of estimate software for contractors can range from free to a few hundred dollars, depending on the features you’re looking for. Most programs are user-friendly and come with a free trial period so you can make sure it’s the right fit for your business. There might be some hidden fees associated with the program, but most companies will provide a support team that can help you navigate any issues you may have. All in all, estimate software is worth considering if you’re looking to save time and money on your projects.


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